5 Ways In Which A Time Tracker Can Benefit An Employee


Work from home is not a new term but the world became familiar with it during the pandemic. Many companies and organisations were already working in this mode before the pandemic struck, to offer flexibility and comfort to their employees. But the outbreak of Covid-19 made this style of work a necessity. WFH is not an impractical way of working, many industries insist on this style because meetings, follow-ups, schedules, deadlines can all be managed from home. WHO insisted all small and big businesses start WFH because it made sure everyone is safe from the virus, social distancing can be practised, and infected people can recover at home without affecting others.

With more businesses insisting on working from home, new software has arrived in the market to make the work style professional and efficient. The most popular software used in WFH situations is the time tracking app. With this app, teamwork becomes easy and is in sync, project managers can check their employee’s efficiency, and it makes you aware of your everyday work. Time trackers are responsible for building flexible schedules for every employee, allowing them their preferred break time, ensuring nobody is working odd hours, etc.

How does a time tracker help?

  • These time tracking apps perform easily. There is no manual effort that goes into managing these apps. It minimizes an employee’s time and effort as it runs in the background of the system.
  • Employees do not need to worry about their privacy while tracking is on. Trackers ensure that only employees can access their data and nobody else.
  • Employees can share thedata with their teammates. Employee monitoring software takes care of employee’s data, and ensures it is secure enough to share with their peers.

If you are a home worker, there are many ways that a time tracking app can make you more efficient, organised and professional. Here are some of the popular ways that a tracker benefits you in a remote work situation.

Helps you in sticking to contracted hours

When you start WFH, there is an increased possibility of working longer hours with fewer breaks. This wasn’t the case when you were in office. Working from office made you more organised and aware of the kind of work you were doing in a day. The situation is different with remote work. WFH situations at time lack boundaries. So, when your employer asks you to install employee monitoring software, it is the best for you. Now you and your company will have a clear understanding of everyday work and deadlines. You do not have to worry anymore about working extra hours when every minute of your working hour is being tracked!

Documents your overtime

Some of you might be working with companies that pay you extra overtime compensation. Tracking your extra hours used to be easier when the office was open. Your team head or manager could see you hard at your work. Now, what to do in WFH situations? How to claim overtime compensation? Time trackers have you covered. Now, your manager can keep an eye on all your extra work and pay you your dues!

Makes your work visible

Sometimes miscommunications happen within a team during WFH situations. Office times were different when you could knock on your colleague’s cabin to discuss work. By recording data, all your work can be shared with your managers, team heads and teammates for reference. Time trackers are the safest and the best project management software when it comes to data sharing. All your work is protected and can be accessed by you within minutes.

Helps you in self-improvement

When you start working from home, there is a pattern that will occur in your work, the pattern of neglecting important work for days. Without any team head or managers to guide you throughout the day, the liberating schedules of WFH becomes taxing and anxiety-inducing. With time trackers you can easily make a list of all important tasks in a day, and complete them one by one without losing focus.

Helps you in gauging your productivity

When you used to work in an office, it was easier to understand the time each work demanded. When WFH started, it made many employees disillusioned about their productivity. If a time tracker becomes a part of your routine, it helps you analyse yourself. It gives you analysed data about your progress, and areas that you need more time on.

WFH is not as easy as people make it to be. Yes, you are your boss but with freedom comes problems. Time trackers have seen an increased usage in the Covid time than before. KnowYourDay has become one of the most popular tracking software used by employers. It helps you structure your time and focus on all your tasks of the day.


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