Tomodachi Life Personalities – Definition, Working, Types and Compatibility Details

Tomodachi Life Personality Guide (1)

Tomodachi life personalities is a tough game to explain. Basically, it is a social simulation video game that was designed by Nintendo SPD and published by Nintendo.

In this game, you can easily recreate bitmoji personalities who are the ‘look-alikes’ of yours. All personalities of Tomodachi behave as they are portrayed or re-created in the Tomodachi collection.

In Tomodachi life, you are going to find a Bitmoji Maker that will ask you some valid questions to determine your Bitmoji personality.

It is imperative to provide information regarding your look-alike characters in that questionnaire. This is how you can design a tomodachi life personality.

What is a Tomodachi Life Personality?

A personality is defined using a set of codes created by a quiz taken in MI maker by the individual game user. This mechanism will define the personality of a user on the basis of answers given in the quiz. Our step by step tomodachi life personality guide will explain everything you need to make a perfect MI personality.

There are four types of Tomodachi Life Personalities: Calm, Cool, Fun, and Dry. Every category is further divided into Four sub categories. Personality will decide how Mii’s will interact with each other.

Before we discuss main characters available. Let dive into four core personalities that club to create our main characters.


Characters having Fun personality in the game are entertaining and love to enjoy. The subcategories of Fun Personality are given below:

  • Fun Shiny
  • Fun Intense
  • Fun Noisy
  • Fun Flare


Characters that have Calm personality are quiet, gentle and relaxed. They like to do things slowly with full attention. The subcategories of Calm Personality are given below:

  • Calm Soft
  • Calm Smiley
  • Calm Gentle
  • Calm Mellow


Characters with Dry personality in the game are stubborn and direct. The subcategories of Dry Personality include:

  • Dry Alert
  • Dry Active
  • Dry Candid
  • Dry Drastic


These types of characters are smart, confident and stylish. They are also known as trendsetters because they have a great fashion sense. The subcategories of Cool Personality are:

  • Cool Bashful
  • Cool Sharp
  • Cool Quiet
  • Cool Careful

How Do Personalities Work in Tomodachi Life?

Tomodachi Life Personalities can fall in love, become foes, build friendships, and have a gregarious or shy character, depending on its qualities. We have already mentioned that there are four categories, each of which is subdivided into four subcategories, giving you a total of 16 distinct personalities to pick from.

Players can rate five separate characteristics after selecting a personality, which will impact how your Bitmoji interacts with other characters:

  • Movement (Scale from Slow to Quick)
  • Overall (Scale from Quirky to Normal)
  • Speech (Scale from Polite to Direct)
  • Attitude (Scale from Serious to Relax)
  • Expressiveness (Scale from Flat to Vary)

16 Types of Tomodachi Life Personalities Explained

As a 3D video game, Tomodachi Life has been a huge success. A throng of players have expressed that they are nostalgic for the game Tomodachi Life on the Nintendo Switch, and that they would like to play it. They also stated that this game is engaging and enjoyable.

1) Easygoing Optimistic

Overall: Relaxed, open minded, empathetic.

Character: Does things at his/her own pace in a genuinely honest and kind manner.


Easygoing Optimist Personality: Positive, enthusiastic, and always beaming. He/she smiles not only for himself/herself but to make sure everyone else has a good time too.

Movement – 8, Speech – 1, Expressiveness – 8, Attitude – 8, Overall – 8

1 easygoing optimist personality

2) Easygoing Softie

Overall: Relaxed, open minded, empathetic.

Character: Does things at his/her own pace in a genuinely honest and kind manner.


Easygoing Softie Personality: Sensitive, emotional, and very in tune with the feelings of those around him/her. Highly empathetic, and also quite sentimental.

Movement – 1, Speech – 1, Expressiveness – 8, Attitude – 8, Overall – 1

2 easygoing softie personality
Movement – 1, Speech – 1, Expressiveness – 8, Attitude – 8, Overall – 1

3) Easygoing Dreamer

Overall: Relaxed, open minded, empathetic.

Character: Does things at his/her own pace in a genuinely honest and kind manner.

Easygoing_Dreamer_male Easygoing_Dreamer_female

Easygoing Dreamer Personality: Idealistic and romantic. Often has his/her head in the clouds…but also comes up with a lot of great ideas as a result.

Movement – 8, Speech – 1, Expressiveness – 1, Attitude – 8, Overall – 8

Movement – 8, Speech – 1, Expressiveness – 1, Attitude – 8, Overall – 8

4) Easygoing Buddy

Overall: Relaxed, open minded, empathetic.

Character: Does things at his/her own pace in a genuinely honest and kind manner.

Easygoing Buddy_MaleEasygoing Buddy

Easygoing Buddy Personality: Trustworthy and considerate. Puts his/her friends first, and works hard to make sure everyone gets along with each other.

Movement – 1, Speech – 1, Expressiveness – 1, Attitude – 8, Overall – 1

4 easygoing buddy personality

5) Independent Artist

Overall: Creative, self-reliant, somewhat reserved.

Character: Comfortable doing his/her own thing and thinking outside the box.


Independent Artist Personality: Imaginative and inspired. Happiest when creating something. Able to find beauty in everyone and everything around him/her.

Movement – 3, Speech – 3, Expressiveness – 3, Attitude – 3, Overall – 3

1 independent artist personality

6) Independent Free Spirit

Overall: Creative, self-reliant, somewhat reserved.

Character: Comfortable doing his/her own thing and thinking outside the box.


Independent Free Spirit Personality: Unique, carefree, and creative. Laid back and does things his/her own way. Self-reliant and always thinking way outside the box.

Movement – 1, Speech – 1, Expressiveness – 8, Attitude – 1, Overall – 1

2 independent freespirit personality

7) Independent Thinker

Overall: Creative, self-reliant, somewhat reserved.

Character: Comfortable doing his/her own thing and thinking outside the box.

Independent-Thinker-Male Independent-Thinker-female

Independent Thinker Personality: Thoughtful and introspective. Great at thinking things all the way through and analyzing issues from every angle.

Movement – 8, Speech – 1, Expressiveness – 1, Attitude – 1, Overall – 1

3 independent thinker personality

8) Independent Lone Wolf

Overall: Creative, self-reliant, somewhat reserved.

Character: Comfortable doing his/her own thing and thinking outside the box.


Independent Lone Wolf Personality: Self-sufficient and highly individual. Doesn’t show a lot of outward emotion, but has a lot going on deep down.

Movement – 1, Speech – 1, Expressiveness – 1, Attitude – 1, Overall – 1

4 Independent lonewolf personality

9) Outgoing Leader

Overall: Social, charming, energetic.

Character: Comfortable in almost any situation, and makes new connections easily.


Independent Leader Personality: Assertive and highly regarded. Has great faith in his/her own instincts, and has no trouble commanding the respect of others.

Movement – 8, Speech – 8, Expressiveness – 1, Attitude – 8, Overall – 8

1 outgoing leader personality

10) Outgoing Trend setter

Overall: Social, charming, energetic.

Character: Comfortable in almost any situation, and makes new connections easily.

Outgoing_Trendsetter_Male Outgoing_Trendsetter_Female

Independent Trendsetter Personality: Radiant and always on form. Has an effortless style that is admired by all. Able to easily adapt to new situations.

Movement – 1, Speech – 8, Expressiveness – 8, Attitude – 8, Overall – 8

2 outgoing trend setter personality

11) Outgoing Charmer

Overall: Social, charming, energetic.

Character: Comfortable in almost any situation, and makes new connections easily.

Outgoing_Charmer_Male Outgoing_Charmer_Female

Independent Charmer Personality: Outgoing and extremely pleasant to be around. Able to make friends easily and turn almost any problem into a positive situation.

Movement – 5, Speech – 5, Expressiveness – 5, Attitude – 5, Overall – 5

3 outgoing charmer personality

12) Outgoing Entertainer

Overall: Social, charming, energetic.

Character: Comfortable in almost any situation, and makes new connections easily.

Outgoing_Entertainer_male Outgoing_Entertainer_female

Independent Entertainer Personality: Bold and captivating. Able to light up a room with his/her wit and charm. There’s never a dull moment when he’s/she’s around.

Movement – 8, Speech – 8, Expressiveness – 8, Attitude – 8, Overall – 8

4 outgoing entertainer personality

13) Confident Go-getter

Overall: Organized, motivated, focused.

Character: Tackles any challenge head-on, and has great faith in his/her own abilities.

Confident_Go-Getter_M Confident_Go-Getter_F

Confident Go-Getter Personality: A determined self-starter. Cuts his/her own path in life, and doesn’t let anything stand in his/her way. Quick at turning plans into action.

Movement – 8, Speech – 8, Expressiveness – 1, Attitude – 1, Overall – 8

1 confident go getter personality

14) Confident Designer

Overall: Organized, motivated, focused.

Character: Tackles any challenge head-on, and has great faith in his/her own abilities.

Confident_Designer_M Confident_Designer_F

Confident Designer Personality: Diligent, productive, and highly efficient. A master at coming up with a plan and putting that plan into action.

Movement – 6, Speech – 6, Expressiveness – 6, Attitude – 3, Overall – 5

2 confident designer personality

15) Confident Brainiac

Overall: Organized, motivated, focused.

Character: Tackles any challenge head-on, and has great faith in his/her own abilities.

Confident Brainiac_male Confident Brainiac_f

Confident Brainiac Personality: Brainiac Highly intelligent and not afraid to show it. Knowledgeable about a wide range of subjects, and confident answering almost any question.

Movement – 1, Speech – 8, Expressiveness – 1, Attitude – 1, Overall – 1

3 confident brainiac personality

16) Confident Adventurer

Overall: Organized, motivated, focused.

Character: Tackles any challenge head-on, and has great faith in his/her own abilities.

Confident_Adventurer_M Confident_Adventurer_F

Confident Adventurer Personality: Risk taking and ambitious. Full of energy, and does almost everything on a whim. Once started, nobody can stop him/her!

Movement – 8, Speech – 8, Expressiveness – 8, Attitude – 1, Overall – 8

4 confident adventurer personality

Tomodachi Life Personalities in Chart Form

This tomodachi life personality guide will help you in understanding Tomodachi personalities in detail.

Easygoing Independent Outgoing  Confident 
Optimistic Artist Leader Go-getter
Softie Free Spirit Trend setter Designer
Dreamer Thinker Charmer Brainiac
Buddy Lone Wolf Entertainer Adventurer

Tomodachi Life Personality Compatibility Chart

People often search for tomodachi life personality matches that are compatible with each other. They also search which personality has the higher chances to fall in love with other one.

Easygoing Personalities Compatibility Chart

Easygoing Personality Compatible With
Easygoing Softie Independent Free Spirit
Easygoing Optimistic Outgoing Trendsetter
Easygoing Buddy Independent Free Spirit
Easygoing Dreamer Independent Artist

Independent Personalities Compatibility Chart:

Independent Personality Compatible With
Independent Free Spirit Independent Lone Wolf
Independent Artist Confident Designer
Independent Lone Wolf Independent Thinker
Independent Thinker Confident Brainiac

Outgoing Personalities Compatibility Chart

Outgoing Personality Compatible With
Independent Trendsetter Easygoing Optimist
Independent Entertainer Easygoing Optimist
Independent Charmer Confident Brainiac
Independent Leader Confident GoGetter

Confident Personalities Compatibility Chart

Confident Personality Compatible With
Confident Designer Outgoing Charmer
Confident Adventurer Outgoing Leader
Confident Brainiac Independent Thinker
Confident Go-Getter Confident Adventurer

What personalities form a relationship in Tomodachi Life?

A guy and a girl Bitmoji in the game Tomodachi Life can be aroused by one another in two ways. The first way is the love confession, which is well-known in the game.

If a Bitmoji develops feelings for another Bitmoji, he or she might express their feelings to that Bitmoji. The two Bitmojis can start dating one another after the other personality acknowledges the love.

It’s worth remembering that you can’t make someone fall in love with you. You are the only one who can decide who the Bitmojis can befriend.

Only the opposite sex personalities are allowed to romance each other in Tomodachi Life. To do so, you’ll need Tomodachi life personality matches.

Throughout Tomodachi Life, personalities that are compatible can become best friends and even marry each other. Because Bitmoji personalities are important in the 3D game Tomodachi Life, you’ll need to select Tomodachi Life compatible personalities so they can live together.

We strongly believe that an easygoing, compassionate, and open-minded mentality is the perfect match for a Dreamer. Well, you’ll get a real life experience by playing the Tomodachi life game.

Before you play the game, there are a few things you should know

Now you are going to get a complete guide on tomodachi life personalities. Before we begin, let me clarify that the game Tomodachi Life is not to be mistaken with the Tamagotchi Life Nintendo Switch game.

Tamagotchi is the brand name for the Bandai virtual pet Tamagotchi. ‘Egg watcher’ is the English translation of the name. Tomodachi, on the other hand, can simply be translated as ‘friends’ in English.

The social simulation 3D video game Tomodachi Life is based on an island. That island is home to a number of Bitmoji characters. Every bitmoji has a distinct personality and can act in a variety of ways, just like a real person. For example, I may state that they can eat, dress up in various clothing, travel around the island, and even enjoy their free time.

Once the number of inhabitants or Bitmoji personalities increases, more interactions and exchanges occur. They’ll experience feelings like rivalry, companionship, romance and even weird musical performances. This game runs exactly like real life.

Tomodachi Life Personality Guide

Players need to choose a Bitmoji’s name, nickname, birthday, “Grown-Up or Child” categorization and voice before they may wander the island, although good luck getting them to speak anything other than Microsoft Sam.

Next is personality, which is the most important aspect in deciding how well a Bitmoji will get along with the other inhabitants of the island. There are four fundamental personality types, each of which has four sub-types, for a total of sixteen distinct personalities.

The personality of the Bitmoji is determined by how you score them in five simple areas (Movement, Communication, Expressiveness, Outlook, and Generally). The only problem with this simplified approach is that it can easily misrepresent reality, leading to your most moronic friend’s Bitmoji being labelled as a “Dimwit”!

FAQ About Tomodachi Personalities

Q1) How to get all tomodachi life personalities in game?
Ans)The answer to this question is that you can’t. One user can have only one personality that is created using a quiz at the time of login.

Q2) Tomodachi life what personalities fall in love?
Ans) No one can make any personality fall in love with other. All you can do is to keep them together till the be friends and fall in love.

Q3) Tomodachi life how to make MIIS fall in love? 
Ans) Being friend with compatible MIIs is the first step. Then, all you can do is spend time together as much time as you can. This will help in Tomodachi life miis fall in love fast.


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