The Advantages Of Content Marketing – Why to Invest in Content Marketing

    content marketing

    Lately, we hear a lot about Content Marketing, a type of marketing that consists of attracting and engaging customers by offering quality content that answers the questions of those who enter our site. But the real question, which you are surely asking yourself is “does visual content marketing work? Does it really bring benefits?”

    The answer is yes. Content is one of the most effective and useful digital marketing strategies you can use to reach and retain customers. To demonstrate this, we have compiled a list of the 6 main advantages of Content Marketing.

    Increase Conversions

    The biggest benefit of content marketing is that it increases conversions over time. The results of this activity are not always immediate, but they are very profitable over long distances. It has been shown that companies that rely on Content Marketing experience conversion rates that are even six times higher than their competitors who do not take advantage of this strategy.

    Greater Visibility on Search Engines (SEO)

    Every post we publish is a new page that Google indexes. And having a lot of pages with quality content indexed can greatly increase your chances of ranking high for multiple keywords. In fact, the better the contents of our site, the better the positioning we can have on search engines.

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    What does it mean? Let’s say we are a travel company. In addition to the site, we frequently update one of our blogs where we give advice to travelers. If a potential customer searches on Google “What to do on New Year’s Eve in Rome?” and we have written an article that answers this question, it is possible that Google puts our content in the first positions and that the customer reads it. This only happens if the item we produce is of excellent quality.

    Moreover, you can create a Wikipedia page about your company or brand in order to gain more online presence of better rankings on search engines. Creating such a page is difficult task and requires professional approach. You may be wondering how much does it cost to create a Wikipedia page. It actually depends on the genre of the page and business. It has a variation from $300 to $3,000 depending on the quality and genre of the page. 

    More Site Traffic

    Effective content in line with the interests of your audience leads to a significant increase in website traffic. After viewing our articles, customers can continue their journey on the site, to get to know us better or to find more information related to the topic that brought them to us.

    To ensure that blog articles continue to bring traffic to the site long after they have been published, it is useful to focus on evergreen content. That is, focusing on topics that we know are always important to our target audience, even over the years.

    Create a Stronger Bond with Customers

    When we create content, our primary goal should not be to sell something but to sell us, our expertise on a topic and our ability to help customers by giving them answers. By doing so, we will be able to create a deeper and more lasting bond with them.

    Increase the Authority of the Brand

    Another positive aspect of Content Marketing is that, by offering targeted responses designed for customers’ needs, it makes us more authoritative in the eyes of our audience.

    In fact, if readers find our content interesting, useful and understandable, their respect for us will increase. And if our content starts being linked and shared, the public will begin to see us as recognized and trusted industry leaders. And appearing as experts in our field can only improve the image of the brand.

    Content Marketing is Affordable

    To plan and implement a good and effective Content Marketing strategy it is necessary to use different resources, such as money, time, and people. However, over time the efforts and energies employed will be well spent because they will lead to a more effective and lasting result than traditional advertising, more aggressive and certainly less targeted. According to a study, content marketing costs 62% less than traditional advertising and generates 3 times more leads. In short, doing Content Marketing is worthwhile!


    We can’t think of any business that can’t benefit from more website traffic, more recurring traffic, a great sense of trust between the customer and the brand, and a reduction in the cost of customer acquisition and marketing. The best part about content marketing is that it doesn’t cost much. It accumulates, constantly generating traffic and leads. And it’s something your audience is actively looking for. They want content. They want answers to their most relevant questions. There may be big brands generating content across different industries, but that doesn’t mean you can’t compete. You just have to create better content and be the most trusted resource for your audience to grab their attention.


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