4 Things Which Your Business Might be Sued for but General Liability Insurance Covers  

Liability Insurance

Fixed protection for your business is very important. It enables your company to start well and grow bountifully. One of the chiefest things to own, in order to shield your business from any future harms and to make it more effective, is business Liability Insurance!

Business insurance helps a venture in so many ways to secure its life, people, profit, and reputation! What’s more, business insurance has many types that are solely focused on specific aspects of a business. One of the keys to making use of them fully is to have a clear and sure understanding of what business insurance is and how it can help you significantly. 

In this piece, you will be enlightened about one of the types of business insurance called General Liability Insurance. Most businesses begin with a Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) which has this type as part of the integration in it. This type of business insurance includes a financial safety provision in case you are sued due to unique reasons. Below are the things or aspects that you might be sued for that a general liability insurance covers and helps you deal with. Check them out!

1) For bodily injury within business

bodily injury

In a business, especially involving physically demanding operations and jobs, bodily injuries are possible and could be usual too when there is a lack of safety precaution and gears or when the observance of them is inconsistent or ignored. These injuries are often prompted by accidents. People are the best assets in a business, so it is vital that everyone is safe.

In case you are charged for a bodily injury that took place inside your business, general liability insurance can help you. The damage or harm happened to a person belonging to a third party. The inconvenience might be made by the product you sell. For instance, you are a skincare product seller, and a client sues you for the infectivity and grave effects of it on their skin as they try it out in your store. 

bodily injury

Another thing, general liability insurance can assist you when you are taken to court because of an alleged flaw in the service you provide. Machines which might have malfunctioned and led to some hurt to them could make them prefer charges to your business.

Other common injuries that happen within business premises are falls and slips. For example, if a guest is going up the stairs to your office, and they trip, fall, and are wounded, they can lay a case against your business for the injury that resulted from that.

Even if you do not find it fair, your business might still be presented with a bodily injury liability even though there’s nothing wrong with your product, service, or storage facilities. Why? Because a bodily injury liability does not by definition indicate that the carelessness has to branch directly from your business. It could be due to the third party’s irresponsibility too. That is why general liability insurance is indeed helpful for your business, most especially in cases like this or when the third party might have a direct and hidden intention to scar your business’ image.

Bear in mind that even the littlest bodily accident can be the culprit in hampering your business to enter success, especially when the matter here is the lives and health conditions of people. You have to be careful, yet if that’s not enough and if accidents really occurred, then general liability insurance is there to aid you in unwanted situations of suing due to bodily injuries.

2) For damaging a visitor’s property

visitor’s property

You might have seen in dramas and movies how guests or clients get really angry when their clothes or their things get damaged within the office they are in. That could happen inside your business premises too, and you could experience what you see on television. Actually, in real life, they could be weightier. But good thing that there’s general liability insurance to lending you a helping hand in case these mishaps push these clients to sue you. 

Say the car of your client has been scratched by the truck used by your company. That’s an example of when the general liability insurance can assist you necessarily.

Property damage liability is a serious matter for business owners. This is when you are held liable for destruction produced to a third party’s property while inside your area. It is very risky and disadvantageous to your business because you are to look forward to high-priced legal outlays. 

visitor’s property

Furthermore, property damage liability can give a detrimental influence to your business name and standing with your patrons and consumers. Regardless if the third party damage occurred on or off your establishment, general liability insurance can help reduce the costs that may be accompanying it. 

3) For damage your landlord’s property

landlord’s property

In case the property you are using for your business is rented by you, meaning you have a landlord, and you cause damages to it, you might be sued. If the business accidentally causes a fire that destructs the building, the landlord might summon your business for the fees of the replacements and repairs to be done.

If your business is insured against such charges under a coverage called Damage To Premises Rented To You, the matter could become less stressful. This coverage is accordingly embraced in the standard general liability policy. For the general liability insurance’s coverage in these situations, bear in mind that the damage is covered only if you are legally liable for it.

4) For causing an advertising injury

advertising injury

An advertising injury is one of the biggest reasons for a certain business to be taken with legal action. It is commonly an infringement on an individual’s or business’s intellectual rights. Copyrights are to be followed strictly. Texts and images on slogans are part of this, yet these are not the only inclusions. 

General liability insurance will cushion you against advertising injury liability including cases of slander or libel of a person or company. That could be when you malign by words, in writing or pictures by using false declarations. 

When your business causes a lack of compliance with a person’s right to privacy, you can be brought charges against. This could be when you institute oral or written statements that embezzle someone’s name, image, or reputation and invade a person or a business’ right to solitude, or expose private information, even if they are factual.

For the most common and obvious reason, you might be sued for an advertising injury is the use of another firm’s advertising themes or abstractions without a license. It is utilizing another company’s ideas and materials for your own motives and ambitions. Another reason close to that is the infringement of a person’s or business’ copyright. That is using, disseminating, or exhibiting copyrighted work, slogans, posters, and more with no consent from the owner or author.

All these and other possible categories of advertising injury are far-reaching. They can affect your business’ honor to the extent of losing clients and having the decision to shut down. General liability insurance safeguards you from these possibilities and the financial losses which you might face during the fight against these legal matters.

General Liability Insurance

General Liability Insurance

Possessing general liability insurance is indeed a great wealth as it provides a shield to your business against unwanted occurrences that come about unexpectedly or induced by the negligence of your business or of a third party. 

When you put up a business, truly, business insurance such as general liability insurance is very crucial. In the business world, there are many hazards and consequences from the actions you take, so being wise and trustworthy is peerless. Moreover, when there are competitors and people who might try to bring down your business, this business insurance type can be your greatest pal!

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The general liability insurance can be of service to you in circumstances wherein you might be attacked legally, yet always aim to be unable to make use of it. Still, it is best to keep a clean record and be a reputable business that makes no harm, in any form, to anybody. No business is perfect; there are challenges, but do your best to overcome all those through proper operations, honest work, and matchless service that is advantageous to all.


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