5 Great Reasons Do Have Health Insurance in Thailand

5 Great Reasons Do Have Health Insurance in Thailand

What a wonderful life you have, as you wake up in a part of the world that you fell in love with the first time you set eyes on it. You could not be happier, with the woman of your dreams next to you, who has taught you so much about Thailand away from the nightlife so you can embrace it fully.

Your even more thankful to her at present as she helps you on the road to recovery after the accident that you suffered on your motorcycle when a dog ran out into the road, and you fell off trying to avoid hitting it. You are also extremely thankful that you have taken out health insurance in Thailand for 5 great reasons.

  1. You are the wise one among your small group of expats, being the only one to have insurance. Your experience, while painful, ensured that you received the best care and attention, rather than in the case of a friend who everyone had to scramble money together for, and who now feels like a drain on the rest of you, which affects his daily life and socialising in your company.
  2. Before long an ambulance was on the scene after you called your loved one who was shortly behind. Having the adequate insurance ensured that you were transported to a private hospital where you were required to have an operation on your ankle. The nurses helped you liaise with your insurance company so that you had peace of mind that you would not be left with a large bill that you could not pay. Instead, you could concentrate on pleasurable things, like how to make a video with photos and music once that you had recovered.
  3. Your cover made sure that the medicines and medical equipment that you required was also paid for, which allowed you to concentrate on getting fit again, rather than suffering sleepless nights worrying about where the money would come from to pay for it.
  4. Thai health care is some of the best in the world, so it made total sense to have an insurance so that you could use it if needs be. You had the consolation of knowing that you were in the best possible hands.
  5. You realise that in the next few years that your health is likely to deteriorate through age. There might be a need for further treatment on the injury that you sustained, or perhaps a joint might require replacement. Who knows if you might suffer from illness. But once thing that can be guaranteed is that you will receive the best treatment to protect yourself if you take out insurance with the right company with years of experience. There will be many more opportunities to visit historic cities, which you so thoroughly enjoy.

Taking out health insurance in Thailand was a fantastic decision, as it keeps your mind as well as your body healthy, allowing you to enjoy your time to the max.


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