Great Reasons to Use Experts in Business Communication Solutions

Great Reasons to Use Experts in Business Communication Solutions

The weekend has arrived, and you feel good. You are taking time away from running your business, knowing that the decision that you made a couple of months ago has turned your books around from making enough to keep going, into an operation that is beginning to show handsome profits.

It took a day out at the cricket with a friend also in business for you to see the light, and you will be eternally grateful to him. You simply were not getting anywhere near reaching your potential until you took his advice and spoke to the professionals at Prodocom Business Communication Solutions in Australia, and what a difference they have made.

  • Straight away, you were impressed by speaking to humans who were available 24/7 to offer solutions to any issues. No wonder that they have been in business for 25 years with such a professional service.
  • Immediately, you understood just how far you were falling short with your emailing campaigns. Many of which didn’t even reach the recipient. This was soon put right by the specialists who only charge what is delivered, who sorted out your settings so that emails began reaching inboxes rather than spam files or the mail server, as they didn’t use spoofing, like many inferior competitors. Things have improved so much that you are now looking at ways to save money after you’ve retired.
  • You know that you are receiving excellent value for money, with only delivered emails being charged for, with data being supplied through tools which reveal which subjects interest which recipients, allowing you to formulate a strategy when it comes to promotions.
  • By offering security you have total peace of mind, as safeguards against spam, and viral attacks through emails is provided. Assistance will be offered in setting up your own DNS settings to ensure that your emails are delivered, while support is also provided in return path email address through accurate tracking reports.
  • Bulk SMS marketing proved to be a huge success when pushing one promotion that you ran as a loss leader, with virtual numbers being provided which got your message out to a far wider audience than your actual address book. While all this was going on, you were able to relax and organize a birthday party for your daughter at the local aquatic leisure center.
  • You also took advantage of the email to SMS service, which required no additional software and proved an ideal solution for sending individual messages which were generated by using a standard email application.
  • By using the MMS service another campaign went off the scale as you were able to forward images and attachments which hit the spot with many of your customers, which was helped by delivery at a set time when you knew you had the most chance of attention.

Using experts in business communication solutions has proved to be a master stroke as your customer base grows along with profits, while you are safe in the knowledge that you receive a great value for money service.


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