Amar Bangla Word Free Download V1.9.0 with 39 Fonts[Zip File]

Bangla Word Software

Amar Bangla Word is a powerful tool that helps us to write documents in Bengali. But can it work with window 11 or 10? Read on and find out the answer.

Bangla word is a very smart word processing application that is designed for writing Bengali documents with help of Amar Bangla Font. It is also known as Amar Bangla word software.

Bengali words can only be written using constants and vowels(swarabarnas and banjonbarnos). It can be done only by mapping the Bengali alphabets on the QWERTY keyboard independent of any Bengali font.

However, few characters like the conjunct characters (juktho okkors) are automatically placed in the system. This is the beauty of Bangla Word Software.

But, how to download, install and use Amar Bangla word software for free?

Let’s take a closer look.

What is a Amar Bangla Word Software?

Bangla word is a software that helps you to write Bengali on your computer. It creates Bengali text along with checking of spelling and grammar. The new features also includes the translation of English words and fully supports phonetics typing. Moreover, this software is a very easy to use and install. Amar Bangla Software is very popular and is used by many Bengali people. The best thing about Bengali word software is that its totally free and available for download on Internet.

Bangla Word Download

It’s time to replace office tools with Bangla word for writing Bengali documents. Bangla Word v1.9.0 is available for free download. According to our users, it is the best tool for writing Bengali articles and other text. You can click on the following button to download the Amar Bangla Software. 

Bangla Word 1.9 Download(Free Version)

Click on the above link for Bangla Word free download that will help you in easy Bengali typing. You have to use the  RAR file extractor to unzip the Bangla Word Software file from this source. There are different versions of this software. We will explain h

Bangla Word Free Download for Windows 7 32 Bit

The same link can be followed to download Bangla word software free download for pc window 7 32 bits.

Bangla word free download for windows 7 32 bit

Amar Bangla Word Software for Windows 10

The Amar Bangla is also available for window 10 but it’s tough to set up. So you can try the Bangla Word Keyboard instead.

Bangla Word Keyboard

How to Install Bangla Word in Windows 7

This is a step-by-step guide in which we will explain how to install Bangla word in windows 7. So here are the steps that you need to perform after completing the Bangla word download.

Step 1: Download the Bangla Word software RAR file using download button.

Step 1 - Download Bangla Word Software

Step 2: Extract the download file in safe place.

Step 2 - Extract the files

Step 3: Open the BanglaWord.exe file to run the setup.

Step 3 - Run the Setup File of Bangla Word Software

Step 4: Click on the destination folder in which you want to install the Bangla word application. You can leave the defaults and click next.

Step 4 - Complete the Installation Process

Step 5: You have to wait few minutes for the setup to complete. Once the software is installed on your system, and you just have to click on finish.

Step 5 - Wait to complete it

Step 6:  After the installation is done, you will see the small application icon. You can use the application by clicking on it.

Step 6 - Installation of Bangla Word is Complete

Technical Specifications for Bangla Word 1.9 (Free Version)

This software is almost compatible with every computer.

Bangla Word 1.9 Download (Free Version)

Name BanglaWord190.exe
File Size 4.7 MB
Architectural Details 32 bit (*86)/64 bit (*64)
File Version 1.9.0
Number of Fonts 39 fonts

Minimum System Requirements

The minimum technical specifications required for installation for Amar Bangla Software are given below:

Minimum Technical Specifications for Amar Bangla Software
Operating System Requirements All Windows Version Supported
RAM 128 MB or above
Hard Disk Requirements 50 MB or above
Processor Intel Pentium or above

About Amar Bangla Word Keyboard Fonts

Amar Bangla software is a very popularly typing software available with 39 Bangla fonts. These fonts are prepacked in the RAR file of Bangla word v.1.9.0. All you have to do is run the setup and place them under the window fonts folder.

How to setup Amar Bangla Normal Font

The Amar Bangla Font includes a wide array of letters, alphabets, characters, and punctuation marks. Much top-rated software can use this font as their default lettering. But it is best compatible with the Bangla word software. Follow the given steps to install Amar Bangla Normal Fonts:

Step 1: Open the Control Panel.

Step 1 - Open the control panel

Step 2: Open the Fonts section under Appearance and Personalization settings.

Step 2 - Open fonts settings

Step 3: Locate and copy the Amar Bangla Font Files downloaded with the RAR file. These files later can be used for Bangla Word Keyboard.

Step 3 - Copy the Fonts from RAR file

Step 4: Then paste the files inside control panel fonts section.

Step 4 - Paste the Bangla Word font files in control panel font section

For your next Bangla typing, choose Bangla software. It is easy to use and makes your job easier.

How To Fix Runtime Error In Bangla Word Errors

Sometimes, Bangla word software starts giving “Runtime error 91 object not set” on windows 7 operating systems. The main reason behind this error malware or memory problem. You have to follow these steps to remove this Runtime error on bangla word software:
  1. The easiest way to remove this error is by updating your Operating system. This will help you top download the required set of files to run the program perfectly.
  2. You can also try to fix it with patch provided by Bangla Word team.

Download Runtime Error 91 Bangla Word Repair Tool

Here is the download link for bangla word runtime error 91 repair tool. You can simply download and run this exe file. Simply double click the setup and click next. This will automatically fix the Runtime Error 91 in bangla word tool.

Download Now

Conclusion on Using Bangla Word

Bangla word is a easy to download, install and use software. I recommend this tool to everyone who wants to type in Bengali language for free of cost. Not only this, Bangla word is enabled with more than 39 different fonts and great support team. I am giving 4.5 our of 5 ratings.


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