Mystical Agriculture Mod for Minecraft


Who doesn’t love to play games? Moreover, if the game teaches you something knowledgeable so that you can apply it in your real life, it is quite amazing. Now you must be thinking, is there such a type of game? Yes, mystical agriculture is a game related to farming and will teach you the agriculture system. Read this article till the end to know more information about this fun farming game.

What is Mystical Agriculture?

Mystical agriculture is a game mod in minecraft designed by BlackBro. This mod comes with amazing agriculture representation. It permits the players to grow crops and earn ores and resources to boost up its winnings. You can grow crops with mob farms and other alternative ways.

Mystical Agriculture Farm

Mystical agriculture is an upgraded version of previous mod magical crops. This old version includes some ordinary and rare plants, resources and systems like plant break replant system and wheat crop. This new version of mystical agriculture is way better than the previous version. The prime reason behind it is the addition of new ores, handy tools, armor styles and useful utility items.

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Moreover, this mod allows the players to utilize minerals, agricultural materials and mystical seed to grow their resources. The best part about this game is, the developers  introduced a new resource version ‘Infusion Altar’ to make seeds by yourself. Infusion Altar is a multiblock structure that you can use in thaumcraft. You can use it to make the silverwood wand core, thaumium wand caps, the thaumostatic harness and more other items.

Ores in Mystical Agriculture

In this mod, two new ores have been added to make things more realistic and interesting. These two ores are:

  • Prosperity ore
  • Inferium ore

These two ores allow players to grow a variety of crops. After growing crops, they can generate essence which can be later crafted into useful game resources.

Ores in mystical agriculture

With the use of new mineral resource ‘Inferium’ players can easily create five weapon levels with a diversity of armors and tools in the game for later use.

Mystical Agriculture Wiki

In this mystical agriculture, about sixteen varied types of flowers are available. The players have to play this properly with their keen concentration and finish the questline. To produce new plants, players need to select two perfect plants and add them into a block .The new plants will be produced in between the selected plants. You will likewise receive more seeds during harvesting, but you just need to complete a few steps.

Mystical agriculture wiki mod contains an incredible asset crops by which you can develop the entire framing process. At the crafting process, you need a mod that will supply you with a superior arrangement of directions. It is very similar to magical crops but progressively mind blowing as it has more new items.

Mystical Agriculture Growth Accelerator

In mystical agriculture, there is one interesting feature named mystical agriculture growth accelerator. It is generally a type of minecraft block used to grow crops quickly and gain resources at a faster rate. For faster growth of crops, players should use this feature because avoiding this will result in normal growth of the crops.

Mystical Agriculture Growth Accelerator

Mystical Agriculture Fertilized Essence

Mystical agriculture fertilized essence is a feature that can be used for making water cans and also for bone meals. This important feature of a creative game is essential for food contribution, seed experiments, restoration, and rescue of valuable time.

Mystical Agriculture Fertilized Essence

Categories of Mystical Agriculture

Mystical agriculture has 6 subcategories and has a total of 198 pages in this category. Let’s move ahead and discuss those 6 subcategories and a few names of pages.

1. Mystical agriculture/en

This category contains two pages named mystical flowers/en and nickel/en. The first page is a set of mystical flowers with sixteen flowers and those created by the standard world. These flowers are most of the time used in recipe programming. The second page produces nickel grains. You will get various steps here such as embers, factory tech, extra bees, foundations, engineering etc.

2. Mystical agriculture/de

This sub-category also has two pages named mystical flowers/de and nickel/de. This category includes 15 flowers and permits you to play bit by bit. This time you need to play with full attention. However, it is not herculean but you have to concentrate on those pages. This category will be useful to learn organic farming methods.

3. Mystical agriculture/es

There is only one page and sets with 16 flowers in this category. The players can utilize these flowers in crafting the recipes. The two-block high variants of mystical flowers are mystical tall flowers, which you can use for harvesting and for crafting mystical petals.

4. Mystical agriculture/recipe

This agriculture recipe sub-category contains only one page that is quartz enriched. Quartz enriched is a very easy shape crafting method and is mostly used for refined storage recipes.

5. Mystical agriculture/fr

The only mod page available in this category is mystical flowers/fr. In addition, it also contains 16 flowers with very high volume and Sharpless clusters mostly used for crafting recipes. 

6. Mystical agriculture/ru

This last sub-category contains two pages named mystical flower/ru and nickel/ru.

Resources in Mystical Agriculture 

Here are several resources supported by mystical agriculture:

  • Mob drops
  • Vanilla resources
  • Twilight forest
  • Thermal foundation
  • Tinkers’ construct
  • Ender IO
  • Botania
  • Industrial craft
  • Mekanism
  • Base metals
  • Chisel
  • Forestry
  • Galacticraft
  • Arc Magica
  • Quark
  • Refined storage
  • Extreme reactors
  • Biome O’ plenty
  • Applied energetics

Mystical Agriculture Guide

Here is a complete step-by-step guidance on mystical agriculture in the updated version mod:

  • The first thing you need to do at the beginning of the game is to go to imperium ore and prosperity ore. Then craft some seeds to grow the crop that you want. You can use infusion pedestals and infusion altars to craft seeds and place them on pedestals.
  • Now, from another source of imperium essence, you need some seeds. You will be able to get more seeds per harvest from here. Make sure to plant these seeds to enlarge the seeds production.
  • After that, you can use crafting or right-clicking to create Essence Farmland World. By killing mobs, you can acquire inferium essence for more crop production.
  • Typical asset seeds need a portion of their individual asset close at hand the level substance of the seed. To maintain the level of substance, there is a need for an infusion crystal. For this, you need to kill mobs with a soulium dagger.
  • Finally, by using supremium essences you will be able to create the armor and other necessary tools and upgrade them with augments. These augments contain various game boosters. Therefore, this exciting feature of a new version is the flying facilities of armor.

Mystical Agriculture Features

In this new version of Minecraft, there are numerous awesome features and resources which make it even more interesting and informative. Players can grow crops and make new structures using several types of natural resources. In addition, a massive amount of agricultural products are introduced in this game which is beneficial for youngsters to learn about agriculture and farming processes.


Hence, it was all about this new mod of Minecraft mystical agriculture. We hope you gain some valuable information. Stay tuned for more interesting and latest updates.


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